hello world :)

Olá mundo! :) Já deu para notar que não estou a conseguir manter esta caixinha tão activa quanto gostava, não é? Ainda estou longe do objectivo de postar pelo menos uma vez por semana... faz parte de viver num mundo com uma criança pequena ;) Nada segue um plano, o dia-a-dia é uma aventura guiada pelo Lourenço, é ele quem me leva pela mão :D hahahahah

Por vezes penso: como conseguem tantas mães, fazer tudo na vida igual e ainda cuidar de dois ou três filhos... eu só tenho um! E logo respondo à minha própria pergunta: porque não deixo de fazer nada com ele, porque aproveito todos os momentos para brincar e vê-lo crescer, porque não me importo de chegar atrasada mais um bocadito (já vou chegar atrasada mesmo :p) e ficar perdida num abraço daqueles bracinhos pequeninos que vão crescer mais rápido do que eu mesma imagino =)
[Abraços de bebés são do melhor que há no mundo!!]

O meu bebé (que já não é bebé hehehe) cresce tão rápido a cada dia! Em breve vou voltar a ter tempo para crafts, blog, email, para tomar um banho de espuma ou simplesmente fazer uma refeição sossegada! hahahahahah E ainda vou ter muitas saudades desta fase, que embora tenha dias que me deixam exausta, nos enche o ♥ :)

Muito obrigada pelos comentários no post anterior e pelas mensagens de aniversário para o Lourenço =) Já está um homenzinho.. ainda ontem, calçou as sapatilhas do papá, pegou as chaves do carro, os documentos e disse 'xau' a caminho da porta :D LOL!!!! Está sempre pronto para ir passear :D

Já estou em dia pela blogosfera, tenho conseguido ler os vossos post e admirar os bordados fantásticos que surgem das vossas agulhas!! Saudades de fazer umas cruzinhas também... quando o tempo é curto, desanima um pouco começar porque ponto cruz requer tantas horas para fazer crescer uma peça, não é? No próximo post mostro-vos o que ando a fazer... em ritmo lento mas avançando ;) Abraço grande para todos vocês!!!

We can see that I haven't been able to keep this little box as active as I wished, can't we? I'm still far from the goal of posting at least once a week... that's part of living in a world with a toddler ;) Nothing follows a plan, every day is an adventure led by Lourenço, he's the one taking me by the hand :D hahahahah

Sometimes I think: how can so many mothers do everything in life just as they used to and still take care of two or even three children ... I only have one! And then I answer my own question: because I don't stop myself from doing anything with him, because I enjoy every moment to play and watch him grow, bacause I don't mind being a bit more late to go somewhere (I'm already late :p) and getting lost inside a hug from those little arms that will grow faster than I imagine =) [Baby hugs are the best in the world!!]

My baby (who is no longer a baby hehehe) grows so fast every day! Soon I will have time again for crafts, blog, email, to take a bubble bath or just have a quiet meal! hahahahahah And I'm sure I will miss this phase, although some days leave me exhausted, it sure fills up my ♥ :)

Thank you for all comments on my previous post and all birthday messages for Lourenço =) He's a little man... yesterday, he put on his daddy's shoes, grabbed the car keys, documents and said 'bye' on the way to the door!!!! :D LOL He's always in the mood to go out :D

I'm up to date on my blogroll, I managed to read your posts and admire the fantastic stitching that arises from your needles!! Longing to make some little crosses too... a bit discouraging when he have little time because cross stitch requires so many hours to make a piece, isn't it? On my next post I'll show you what I've been doing... at a slow pace but crafting ;)
Huge hug to you all!!!


  1. It is lovely to read that you are spending as much time as you can with Lourenço,Nia.Time does go so quickly and the memories you are making daily last a lifetime:)

  2. They do grow up so quickly - you find yourself wondering where time went. I think it is wonderful that you are able to spend so much time with him. :)

  3. I stopped cross stitching for years when our three were little. The children are more important! Enjoy!

  4. They do grow so quickly.... there will be time later for stitching but for now you need to spend all your time with your little man.... he is your creation for the time being! :o)
    Hugs xx

  5. Cada um organiza o seu tempo livre e familiar como considera melhor, ninguém tem que colocar em causa as escolhas do outro...quando tiveres necessidade de fazer diferente, reorganizas tudo de novo...viver é assim��


  6. Nice to see your post, Nia!! Your pictures aren't getting loaded for me.

  7. I can't see the photos either. Your son sounds adorable and you are absolutely doing the right thing focusing on him for now. They are little for such a short time. Even my little one is slowly becoming more independent!

  8. Agora o mais importante é acompanhares o crescimento do Lourenço. Terás mais tempo para os bordados mais tarde quando ele for mais crescido.
    Também não consigo ver as fotos.

  9. I can't see your photos, Nia, but it was nice to read your post. I gave up stitching for 10 years when I was so busy raising my sons. I didn't realize how much I missed it until I started up again in 2003 :) Give your sweet boy a big hug for me!

  10. I couldn't see the photos either. Glad that everyone is doing well. Enjoy your time with your little one, they grow up fast. You are doing better than me, I am so behind on feed reader, I will never get caught up.

  11. So nice to read from you again. Oh yes, these little ones just keep you busy and it's such a wonderful time. I was giving up all my hobbies when my kids were still little, just like you, and took them up again when they became more independent. It's such a great time when they are still little and they grow up much too fast, don't they?

  12. It's lovely to read your post...can't see your pictures though :( Glad you're enjoying time with your little man...they do grow up so fast.

  13. It's lovely to read your post...can't see your pictures though :( Glad you're enjoying time with your little man...they do grow up so fast.

  14. Stitching and crafts can wait , it does not compare to spending time you can never get back with your little one :)

  15. Doesnt mean i havent missed your posts thou hahahaha jk (kinda) =D


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