time flies, friendship lingers

Já ia sendo tempo de tirar o pó a este blog, não acham? ;) Não abandonei a minha Caixinha, está apenas em ritmo (extremamente) lento :p LOL Vocês sabem que sempre gostei de postar com frequência, de responder a todas as mensagens e também de ler os vossos blogs. Como o tempo não tem dado para tudo... Opto por não fazer nada do que ficar pela metade! Isto até o Lourenço me dar alguma flexibilidade... sim, quase 9 meses e continua a gostar da atenção toda, a querer sempre companhia para brincar e a não sossegar uma noite inteira :p Ahhhhh mas quando ri - o melhor som do mundo - a mamã até esquece que está cansada :D

O que não me esqueço são as amigas, apesar do pouco contacto, não esqueci ninguém! Saudades das conversas, dos longos emails, ler os vossos blogs... Em breve devo descobrir o meu novo ritmo e conseguir gerir tudo outra vez ;)

Ainda estou em falta com algumas de vocês (precisamente 13!) a quem não consegui retribuir os miminhos que ofereceram para o meu baby boy. Aos poucos tenho escrito ora a uma, ora a outra... mas chego ao fim do ano ainda com muitos pacotinhos por enviar! Aqui está um objectivo para 2015, mas tenham fé, eu chego lá ;) heheheh Hoje estou satisfeita por ver que consegui terminar o correio de Natal, atrasada claro, faz parte :p E demorei 3 dias a escrever este post... melhor começar já o próximo!! :D hahahahah

It's about time to take the dust off this blog, right? ;) I didn't abandon my little pixie box, it's just on a (very) slow pace :p LOL You know I've always liked to post often, to answer all messages and I also love reading your blogs. As time isn't enough for everything... I choose to do nothing instead doing only half! Lourenço doesn't give me much free time, any, in fact :p Yes, almost 9 months and he still wants all the attention, someone to play along with him, and hasn't settled down for the whole night yet :p ohhhhh but when he laughs - the best sound in the world - Mamma forgets how tired she is :D

Who I don't forget is you, all my friends around the globe, we haven't been much in contact but I haven't forgotten anyone! I miss our talks, the long emails, reading your blogs... Soon I'll discover my new rhythm and I'll be able to manage everything again ;)

I'm still behind on returning all the gifts (13 to be precise!) I received for my baby boy. Slowly, I've written to one friend, then another... but the end of the year is near and there's a lot to send yet! Here's a goal for 2015, keep your faith in me, I'll get there ;) heheheh Today I'm happy to see my Christmas mail ready to post, late of course, as everything goes these days :p I've been writing this post for 3 days... I better start typing the next one!! :D hahahahah


  1. Nia, your priorities are your darling Lorenco ... you'll have time for us when he doesn't need you so much - we understand. Keep on enjoying him ... children grow up so quickly. ♥

  2. Nice to see that you are your family are doing well.

  3. I am so happy that you and your little family is quite well.
    Nia, enjoy the time witrh your little boy.

  4. Glad to hear that you are busy with good things... like being a loving Mommy. Take care and enjoy your holidays.

  5. Glad to hear from you! Great to know that all is going well for you. Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

  6. Well my dear, I will be in the same boat next year :D We all understand completely and giving your little boy all your time is what he needs to be healthy and happy. You are way ahead of me with all your Christmas mail ready to go! I still need to get mine organized this weekend! Hugs!

  7. Nice to hear from you, Nia! :) Don't worry your son will slowly get used to knowing mom's hobbies and blogging and, yes, for sure in few months you would be seen posting paintings done with those tiny hands too :) enjoy your time with your baby....those are the best times!!

  8. I was just thinking about you and your family yesterday! So glad to hear all is well. Take care.♥

  9. Aiiii, que saudades tuas, dos teus posts, do teu ritmo alucinante!
    Estou farta de vir aqui, pensando que os teus posts poderiam não aparecer no meu feed, mas não, não havia posts novos, hihihi!

    Queremos saber mais sobre o baby, sobre as agulhas, sobre ti...vai aparecendo!

    Um beijinho :)

  10. Aproveita bem o pequerrucho!

  11. Hello Nia , I was also thinking of my little friend today , starting to write my cards out , I am late too this year but we get there in the end, enjoy these years with your little one they grow up way to fast ,
    Big hugs to you all.

  12. Hi Nia... I'm so glad you are enjoying your time with your little boy--make the most of it. You'll never get this chance in his life again where he totally needs you :)

    I've done nothing with Christmas cards or presents--have been in a haze since my dad passed away a few weeks ago. Not sure how much will get done this year.

    I'm sure Lourenco's first Christmas will be a very, very special one--give him a hug for me...

  13. Oi pekena! Embarco hoje para as férias, já estou com medo do frio!! Te enviei mensagem pelo Whatsapp outro dia mas acho que tu nem chegaste a receber. Desejo a toda tua família um excelente natal e nos falamos antes do ano-novo.
    Beijos carinhosos e abraços apertados de quebrar costela :)

  14. Hi Nia,
    Good to see your post... enjoy the time with your little boy.
    Hugs, Mylene

  15. Que saudades!!!! Também eu perdi o ritmo por aqui e não tenho uma desculpa tão boa e fofa como a tua, por isso é muito compreensível.;)
    vai aparecendo, quando poderes, que nós gostamos de te ver por aqui, mas compreendemos, claro, que esse novo amor exige tempo e atenção =D

  16. Nia, it is lovely to hear from you! Can it really be 9 months since your little man arrived - how time flies!
    This has been a busy year for most of us I think... I know my blog has suffered lately as well.... and I dare not look at how far behind in my blog reading that I am.... and my only excuse is work - nothing like your wonderful excuse :o)
    I haven't even got myself organised for Christmas yet... no cards, no gifts done.... oh well tomorrow is another day! ;o)
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
    Hugs xx

  17. Enjoy the Christmas Season with your family :) Greetings from Finland!

  18. Aos poucos começas no teu ritmo de crafts e blogs e emails de novo...não digo já já, mas chegas lá:))
    Já cá recebi o meu postalinho...muito obrigada :)
    beijinho grande

  19. Pekena Gigante! Quanta saudade. Atrasada? Ahhhh tb estou e como. O Atelier consumiu meu último trimestre, mas sabes que moras no meu coração e hoje, véspera de Natal, o que me sobra é desejar-te aqui FELIZ NATAL estendido ao Rui e ao 'fumiguinho' Lourenço. Um beijo desta amiga que tb não te esquece, Ana.

  20. Nia, I received your lovely gift and card the other day! Thank you so much! It is lovely :o)
    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year
    Hugs xx

  21. Thank you, i received your card and little gift(to bad it came in 4pieces :-(
    Wish you a merry christmas and a great 2015!!
    With hopefully a bit more time to craft:-)

  22. Nia, it's always so nice to hear from you. BUt it's normal that you don't have a lot of spare time with a 9-month old baby. Enjoy your little boy, every moment is so precious and they change so much in the first two years.
    I hope your had a wonderful Christmas season with your little family and wish you all the best for the new year. Happy 2015!

  23. I am sure I understood Your sitution perfecty because my DD when she was a Baby Girl did not sleeo full nights until the age of 3 years .She was complitely health psysically and mentally but was told by the doctors be a super sensitive caby and little older she calmed down and sleep her nights. When she was ! yerr ans #months we had a joy have one more baby .Her little bother arrived when she 1 year three months old. Many people who did not know me well thougt that I had deliverd Twins There are many months missing from my memory since because I did not anything that took care of my Precious Babies. So do not worry take your time..You and sweet Lourenco are allways in my prayers !

  24. Que saudades tuas! Espero que tu e toda a família se encontrem bem. Beijinho

  25. Hello dear nNa ! I was totally over to moon when I noticed that You had left a comment to my little blog!! I know how it is to be with a baby who do not sleep over nights so take your time we are all here waiting for you !! Greetings from Finland ! Maija

  26. Thank you so very much for leaving a comment to my blog post..I have also have two "not sleeping nights" babies..so I really know how it affects to almost every part of life. But I promise they will learn to sleep when they are ready...

  27. Thank you so very much for leaving a comment to my blog post..I have also have two "not sleeping nights" babies..so I really know how it affects to almost every part of life. But I promise they will learn to sleep when they are ready...


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