hop hop hop :)
Tantos dias passaram desde o meu ultimo post! É o que acontece quando o nosso computador avaria... Hoje tentei ligar pensando que já estava arranjado mas afinal o problema persiste =/ Tenho imensas fotos e novidades para contar! Só o poderei fazer depois da Páscoa :( Já sabem, na próxima semana terão muito que ver e ler aqui ;)
Recebi vários presentes, os quais não consegui agradecer por email pois não tenho os contactos no iPad. Logo que possível, algumas amigas receberão mensagens minhas ;) e postarei as fotos para vocês verem também :)
Entretanto, quero desejar a todos uma óptima Páscoa, aproveitem bem este fim-de-semana prolongado! Nós faremos o mesmo ;) hehehe
Boa Páscoa!!! :)

How cute is this?? :) source: here
So long since my last post! That's what happens when our laptop doesn't work... today I thought I would finally be able to post here but it's not fixed yet =/ I have lots os pics to show and news to share! You'll have to wait a little more, until after Easter :( You can count with much to see and read here next week ;)
I have received loads of wonderful gifts :D I have all contacts on my laptop, haven't even said thanks to my friends! Sorry sweeties, I will write as soon as I have the chance! And will post everything here too, of course ;)
Meanwhile, I want to wish you all a happy Easter, enjoy the long weekend! We will do the same here ;) Happy Easter!!! :D

Happy Easter to you and your family, hugs
ReplyDeleteaww so cute..
ReplyDeletehappy easter my dear friend..
big hugs x
Happy Easter
ReplyDeleteA Happy Easter to you and your family too!
ReplyDeleteE já tinhamos saudades. E eu que pensava que era o pequeno Lourenço que não te tem dado descanso. mas afinal parece que tem. Fico mt contente!
ReplyDeleteUma feliz Pascoa para toda a família Pirlimpimpim!:D
What a adoratie picture!!!
ReplyDeleteAwesomely cute.
Take your time sweetie. Healing, little baby, cleaning, etc etc. It takes a lot of our time!!!
I wish you the best ever Easter with your family!!
Happy Easter Nia!! Ooh I hope your laptop will be okay my dear!! Can't wait to see more pictures! Hugs!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter Nia and your family of course:-)
ReplyDeleteA Happy, Blessed Easter to you!
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter, Nia!! I'm sure your first Easter with your sweet little baby will be a special one :)
ReplyDeleteHoppy Easter to you too! Remember no chocolate for baby, just chocolate flavoured mummymilk which means you get to eat lots of chocolate for him!!
ReplyDeleteLove the Easter display in the photo.
That's a lovely picture!! I hope you had a nice weekend with your family :)
ReplyDeleteFeliz Páscoa querida para você e sua linda família!
ReplyDeleteMuitos beijos
Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about not getting around to contacting people... my laptop is working and I am still way behind on emails and blogs..... you will no doubt catch up before me!!
Big hugs xx
Ahh computadores avariados...é de ficarmos loucas mesmo! :p
ReplyDeleteEspeor que consigas ter o problema arranjado em breve!
e espero que tenhas tido uma fantastica páscoa, junto com os teus homens:)
Não dá mais para desejar feliz páscoa..mas dá pra desejar um ótimo restinho de mês pra vc!
ReplyDeleteNão vais colocar o Lourenço no Banner do blog? Só tem vc e o Rui...eheheheh :D Falta um baby no teu colinho :D
I hope you had a great Easter and a happy time with the family :)
ReplyDeleteHow was the first meeting between Lourenço and his Grandma ? :D