a note to you :)

Obrigada por todas as vossas mensagens sempre tão queridas =)
Viram como o contexto mudou? Diziam sempre que tinha uma barriga pequenina e agora já me dizem que comi uma melancia inteira :D LOL

A minha 'melancia' veio com uma nova gestão de tempo, tenho acompanhado os vossos blogs mas não consigo responder a todos os emails como habitualmente fazia. Peço-vos desculpa por isso, não deixei de escrever a ninguém em particular, foi mesmo geral =/ Leio todos os vossos comentários que sempre me fazem sorrir =) Mas estou a tentar retornar quando me fazem questões directas ou há algo a comentar... Pequenos agradecimentos continuo a fazer (claro!) mas deixo para o post seguinte aqui no blog ;)

Uma pequena estratégia de ajuste nesta fase final da gravidez, espero que compreendam =) De qualquer modo, se me falhar alguma pergunta que não vi, estejam à vontade para enviar um email a qualquer momento :D

Thank you for all your comments always so sweet =)
Did you see how the context has changed? Throughout my pregnancy, you were saying I had a little bump and now you ask if I swallowed a watermelon :D LOL

My 'watermelon' came with a new time management, I've been following your blogs but I'm not able to reply all emails as I usually did. It's just impossible. I hope you'll forgive me, I'm not mad with anyone ;) I read and smile with all your comments =) But I'm trying to write back to those emails that have direct questions or when there's something to comment back... Never think that I don't appreciate your words :)

A small strategic adjustment at this late stage of pregnancy, I hope you understand =) Anyway, if I miss anything, feel free to email me at anytime :D


  1. Hi sweetie.
    You really making a post to stay sorry to us???
    Are your hormonens getting crazy???
    Silly pregnant little girls. Hihihi.
    Dont ever do that again.
    Most of us know how it Is to be pregnant or heard about know Ow the last trimester Is.
    That cute little water melon Is keeping you busy Take your rest. Many rest. You Will need it soon. Then all the rest Is gode.
    So put that big ass down. Feets Up. And craft.

  2. Nia é assim mesmo, e quando o Lourenço chegar verá que o tempo ficará ainda mais escasso, mas é uma fase que passa tão logo nos habituamos a nova rotina com o bebê. Acredito que todas nós que te acompanhamos entendemos, não sei como dá conta de tudo que faz! Beijos querida!

  3. Seriously, you don't need to apologise for not answering emails, etc... As Annette said, most people understand how hard the last part of a pregnancy is (even though of us that haven't gone through it can see it can't be easy to carry that big watermelon around all the time!!!!)
    Take lots of time out to rest and put your feet up... Even if you don't think you have the time to do that - you do need to store up all your energy for the big day and beyond!!! :) :)
    Big hugs xxx

  4. you do not have to apologise, Most important is keep healthy and enjoy your pregnancy ♥

  5. Dearest sweet Nia, you don't need to apologies! You have to take good care and enjoy your pregnancy!!! Have a beautiful weekend and love to you!


  6. No need to apologize. Take your time for yourself and for the baby - that's the most important thing now. And by the way, I rarely answer to comments, only when there's a question or something. If I answered to all the comments on my blog, I wouldn't have the time to visit other stitchers' blogs and to comment there, lol.

  7. I still think its a watermelon you got down there! :D hehe!

    Enjoy the final stage of your pregnancy and don't worry about us, we will always be here :)

  8. No worries! You take good care and get lots of rest now while you can. ;)

  9. What are you talking about??? No need to apologise... we understand. Hard to juggle work, home, kids, cross stitch and blog!!

  10. Have a lovely weekend hugs.

  11. Always, always put your health and your baby's health first, Nia! I don't reply to every comment that I get either--it really is impossible :) Hope you have a wonderfully relaxing weekend...

  12. That's just fine. Take care:)

  13. The photo where you are under the tree with Rui looks very cute ..You make a beautiful couple and I wish all the best for You!

  14. Lovely photo of you and Rui. You have to take care of yourself at this time.

  15. Eu sei que neste momento ainda te é muito difícil acreditar que a tua vida vai mudar assim tanto. Mas vai, em termos de prioridades, do tempo livre, da tua energia, etc. Ninguém espera que respondas a todos os comentários! Descansa bastante agora, prepara-te para a chegada do Lourenço. Como dizia o meu médico quando estive internada: lê agora tudo o que não vais ter tempo de ler no próximo ano :) Beijinhos e tudo de bom!

  16. Honestly, i don't reply to all comments unless if there's a question..it is just not possible...too busy with other things and some don't have return address. Take good care of yourself. Happy Sunday!

  17. ehehe começou o ajuste de tempo:p E ter sido só agora já nao foi nada mal!! Fazes bem...gerir a coisa para conseguires mm fazer td;)
    Não tarda estás de volta em força...qd o Lourenço fizer 18 anos LoL Brincadeira...daqui a uns mesitos;)

  18. A watermelon...haha :-)
    Good you have a great sense a humor.
    When you look back at these pictures over a few years that is so great to look back too those days.

  19. lot's of love for you sweetie
    and never try to say sorry again here or I'll come and pull your ears =D


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