HMandl SAL & all Gorjuss in the market

Na semana passada estava a bordar a 3ª parte do SAL da Helga Mandl (com a Annette e a Valérie) quando fiquei sem linha branca :p Comprei no inicio da semana e terminei o bloquinho, faltava apenas foto para partilhar aqui :)

Waiting for Santa, Helga Mandl

Annette, também já actualizei a listinha de wips na barra lateral ;) heheheh Este SAL estava em falta e a Annette puxou-me as orelhas :p

Sobre a minha 'Parede Gorjuss' :D muito obrigada por todos os vossos comentários, confesso que também fiquei muito contente com o resultado final :D Respondendo às questões que me colocaram, vou fazer um apanhado de todas as Gorjuss lançadas no mercado até à data:

1º) O primeiro lançamento incluíu 8 meninas, podem ver neste post, todas com presença marcada na minha 'Parede' :)
2º) Mais tarde, foram lançados mais 6 kits, podem vê-los aqui, destes escolhi bordar apenas os 3 primeiros que veêm no mosaico.
3º) Este ano foram lançados mais 6 designs novos, também publiquei aqui. Adoro todas! Prentendo bordar as 6 :) Quando? Isso ainda não sei :p

Com duas excepções que foram publicadas não em kits mas em revistas:
. "Hang me up do dry", na revista Cross Stitcher
. "Little Red", na revista The World of Cross Stitching

Actualmente, as 12 meninas com lugar cativo na 'Parede' são os designs do 1º + 2º lançamento (com a excepção de 3) + a menina publicada na Cross Stitcher. Espero que este resumo ajude a responder às vossas questões.

Com o baby a caminho, tenho plena consciência que vou querer bordar muitas coisas para ele/ela :D Por isso, o plano (realista) é terminar as 2 que estão em falta e também bordar a última da TWOCS, antes de investir em 6 novos kits ;) Estou ansiosa por começar a bordar coisinhas de bebé!!! Mas a tentar esperar mais um bocadinho, para ver se descobrimos se será menina ou menino =)
Talvez mais 3 semanas... :)

Last week I was stitching the 3rd part of Helga Mandl SAL (with Annette and Valérie) when I ran out of white thread :p Bought more at the beginning of the week and finished my piece, was only missing an update photo to share here :)

Annette, I also updated my wip list on the sidebar ;) heheheh This SAL was missing and Annette pulled my ears :p

About my 'Gorjuss Wall' :D thank you for all your comments, I have to agree, I'm very happy with the final result :D To answer a few questions, I'll post a recap on all Gorjuss designs launched in the market until today:

1) The first release included 8 girls, you can see them here, all making presence on the 'Wall' :)
2) Later, new release with 6 more kits, all here but I chose to stitch only the first 3 you see on the mosaic picture.
3) And this year, 6 new designs, I've also post them here. Love them all! I intend to stitch all 6 :) When? No idea right now :p

With two exceptions that were not published in kits but in magazines:
. "Hang me up to dry" in Cross Stitcher magazine
. "Little Red" in The World of Cross Stitching magazine

At the moment, my 12 girls on the 'Wall' are: 1st + 2nd release (except 3) + the girl published in Cross Stitcher. I hope this summary helps to answer your questions about what was published and how many I'm stitching.

With the baby on the way, I'm fully aware that I'll be stitching a lot for her/him :D So the (realistic) plan is to complete the 12 girls on the 'Wall' and then stitch the last publication in TWOCS, before investing in the 6 latest new kits ;) I'm eager to start stitching little baby things!!! But I'm trying to wait a little longer to see if we will find out whether it's a girl or a boy =)
Maybe 3 more weeks.. :)


  1. A very sweet finish (:

  2. este bloquinho é tão lindo!

  3. Your SAL/Little Birdie is very cute.:)))
    Congrats on Gorjuss!!! :)
    It is normal that you will stitch for the baby.:))) I was very active during my pregnancies,but my sister was lazy...:) So it depends on the person/mother.:))) We will see with you.:)


  4. Waiting for Santa looks lovely. Look forward to seeing more Gorjuss girls and baby stitching. Have a lovely week.

  5. Aww looking so sweet xxx

  6. I am very fond of robins, so I especially liked yours. x

  7. Your little SAL piece is adorable.

  8. Love your stitching so cute.
    Can't wait to know if its going to be pink or blue ? hugs

  9. Este SAL é uma fofura...e eu não conhecia:)
    Fiquei "tonta" com tanta Gorjuss que já existe...a escolha da tua parede está perfeita, ninguém diria que existem mais porque esse "apanhado" está demais:)


  10. cute design!

  11. Agora sim, está fantástico! Os cristais de neve fazem toda a diferença!
    Não tinha visto o post anterior, já fui a correr espreitar!
    Está demais a parede!

    Daqui a 3 semanas então dá notícias, porque eu quero fazer um presente personalizado do meu Baú!!!

  12. Your SAL is cuter and cuter each time you post, Nia :) I am so looking forward to finding out if you'll be having a boy or a girl (maybe twins?)!!

  13. Sweet little finish!
    So happy for you. Don't know if you have a preference but as long as baby is healthy, it will be a nice surprise xx

  14. Gorgeous SAL - very cute indeed.

  15. Congratz on finishing our SAL..
    You done a wonderfull job..
    hihi pulled your ears.... whahah LMEO..
    Now you can pull my ears I haven't started part 3 yet.
    How is Valerie.. also stitching already??

    Your Gorjuss wall is coming so beautifull.
    really wonderfull!!
    Can't wait too see your other pieces you will stitch..
    In a bit you will make your own baby gifts.. so many pieces will be finished!!

  16. Este cheirinho a natal...fez-me lembrar que já começa a estar na hora de pensar nessa epoca festiva!:D Adoro dar presentes!
    Ainda n me tinha a percebido que já haviam novas gorjuss (sou uma distraida)...sao lindas!:D
    Qualquer dia atrevo-me a fazer uma ou duas, quem sabe

  17. I'm sorry you got your ears pulled but it is nice to see the progress of your SAL :) Your stitching is so beautiful and perfect!

    I can't believe how many Gorjuss girls you have completed! Make sure you do what you want now because after the baby arrives...let's just say, your time becomes very precious ;) It doesn't last long though!

  18. Waiting for Santa is just so cute :o)
    Are you going to find out what you're having or will you wait for the surprise on the big day?! I think I would probably want to find out so that I can be a bit more prepared... but then again surprises are just so lovely :o)
    Good luck with your next scan - we will all be waiting to see if you find out what Baby is going to be!! :o)
    Hugs xx

  19. O SAL está a ficar mm fofo!! :)

    tanta Gorjuss linda. Lembro-me dos teus posts a explicar qtas havias e quais...dificil é escolher! Felizmente escolheste a minha proxima por mim..e uma das minhas preferidas! eheh

  20. lovely piece =)
    once again you're the first to show it finished...
    I need to take pictures and show mine
    very well done
    for the moment, among the 3 it's my favourite =)
    big hugs


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