...esqueci de postar durante o fim-de-semana! Desculpem... distraí-me com o sol

Na segunda-feira passada comecei o quinto bloco no '6 Fat Men', fui bordando um pouco todas as noites e cheguei a sábado apenas com a neve para terminar :) Foi um bom progresso! Uma semaninha para completar um bloco :D

Agora falta o maior, este último bloco vale por dois, não? Será que consigo terminar em duas semanas? :D Não tenho a certeza se serei capaz mas vou dar o meu melhor =)
Boa semana pessoal :D
...I forgot to post during the weekend! Sorry... I got distracted with the sunshine

Last Monday I started the fifth block on '6 Fat Men', I stitched a bit every night and by the end of the week there was only missing the snow on the floor :) It was a good progress! One week to complete one block :D
Now the last and biggest block, this one is worth two, right? Will I be able to finish this in two weeks? :D I'm not sure but I will try my best =)
Have a great week people :D

Está a ficar lindo!!!!
ReplyDeleteForça nas agulhas!
Boa semana.
super beautiful !
ReplyDeletesweet designs and colours
very well done sweetie
I hope you'll take your turbo needle and finish the last block within 2 weeks =D
Big hugs
Great progress! Lovely, happy design :)
ReplyDeleteAi que foi tão bom o solinho do fim de semana!!! E parece que veio para ficar, apesar dos chuviscos ontem à noite e das nuvens esta manhã! :)
ReplyDeleteAgora com bom tempo, não sei como vais fazer para bordar, eu cá se já não tinha vontade, agora ainda menos...quero é sair, passear, apanhar sol, brincar com as minis, hehehe!
Boa semana! :)
Wow! Doesn't this look fantastic!! Only one big block left.... Yes you can do it :)
ReplyDeleteGood to hear the sun came out to play finally :)
It looks great! My Mom just finished that large block this weekend, she was so happy to have it finished.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week :)
I love this one Nia. You are doing a great job of it.
ReplyDeleteHooray for the ssunshine:D
Oh, you're almost there, Nia--beautiful snowy piece!! And how wonderful that the sun is finally shining in Portugal :)
ReplyDeleteDearest sweet Nia, yay for sun!!! I am so happy that warmer days are finally here for you! I really love your '6 Fat Men'!! Your stitches are always so clean and beautiful! Happy monday and have a beautiful week! Love to you!
Aw, they are so cute.
ReplyDeleteThis is looking so good.
ReplyDeletePerhaps you can finish this one off when you need cooling down from that sunshine. ;)
Olá Nia, está a ficar mesmo fantástico este trabalho.
Glad you found time to enjoy the sunshine. Great progress on 6 fat men. You can do the last block in two weeks, I know you can.
ReplyDeleteawww looking so cute x
ReplyDeleteIts looking great Nia :) You are lucky we had...RAIN!!
ReplyDeleteSoube tão bem o sol, mas eu andei mais na rua a passear, em vez de bordar, hehe
ReplyDeleteEstá a ficar maravilhoso, as cores são lindas, acho que duas semanas é um alvo alcançavel.
Beijoca e boa semana
Que rápido!!!
Está quase pronto...
Duas semanas...cá para mim ainda será menos!:P
Boa semana!
Belo progresso! Agora só falta um, rapidinho vc termina ;)
ReplyDeleteJá comentei q adorei a escolha da cor do tecido para destacar com as cores do bordado?
Bj e aproveite o sol =D
love, love, love it! :) Adoro as cores, os desenhos...tudo..já sabes:)
ReplyDeleteAposto que vais conseguir formiguinha Nia :)
beijossss e aproveita este sol e calorzinho bommm:D
Nia! This is gorgeous!! You make me smile. Thanks too for the motivation to continue stitching on mine! :) All the best with the last block!!
ReplyDeleteBom dia Nia!
ReplyDeleteEstá quase, quase! 2 semanas? Claro que sim!
Se bem que com este solinho... apetece mais passear!
Está a ficar lindo!
Beijinhos e boa semana
Great update Nia!!! The last block, yeah!!! I'm sure you'll finish it in less than 2 weeks, just switch the turbo on on your needle :D xx
ReplyDeleteYour snowmen are looking good and have fun finishing the last one!
ReplyDeleteSunshine??? What's that? We are being punished for yesterday's sunshine and 15c weather! Its dark, grey, and wet today.
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful progress I look forward to your HD!!!
Your snowmen look lovely! I'm into my Spring stitching right now even if the weather isn't.
ReplyDeleteWow! you are nearly with it and it is looking beautiful!Sunshine? please send some over here...still cloudy and too windy which makes it still very cold over here.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy every sunshine you can get sweetie. You need it. Lol
ReplyDeleteNia! You're almost done with this. It's darling!!! :D
ReplyDeleteEstá quase terminado Nia! :) Está a ficar mesmo lindo. 2 semanas? Tu não precisas de tanto tempo, com as tuas mãos de fada terminas este bordado em 2 dias. :P Se calhar até menos. :) Nunca conheci uma rapariga como tu. Muitos parabéns! :)
Woohoo! Only one more block to go! You're getting close :)