feeling like myself again :)

O meu fim-de-semana foi tão colorido como o meu último post :D hehehe
Este sol realmente é alegria e energia, pelo menos para esta menina aqui ;) Sou outra pessoa com sol! Acho que aquela brincadeira com as linhas no Travelling Pattern foi um reflexo disso mesmo. Fiquei ainda mais contente com o vosso feedback, só palavras simpáticas :D Obrigada!!

Foram 2 dias grandes e curtos, grandes porque fiz muitas coisas e curtos porque tinha outras tantas que gostaria de ter feito ;) Mas isso não é apenas um fim-de-semana, já é a história da minha vida :D LOL Nada como no mês passado em que esqueci as minhas listas e perdi-me no tempo e espaço, nada disso. Já recuperei todo o atraso, mantenho-me fiel à minha organização e tudo corre sobre rodas :) Agora tenho alguns envios para tratar, algumas coisinhas que não houve oportunidade de fazer mais cedo mas muito em breve vou espalhar alguns sorrisos pelo globo ;)

Não tenho bordado tanto quanto gostaria, fui surpreendida com o progresso no meus '6 Fat Men'!! Pensei que levaria mais tempo a bordar este bloco mas está a crescer rápido... Talvez não diga o mesmo quando começar a bordar todo aquele branco da neve no chão :p heheheh

Sabem aquela ginástica que fazemos, quando estamos a ficar sem linha, tentamos desperdiçar o mínimo possível e aproveitar o triplo de um pedacinho? Não houve ginástica que me valesse, não chegou para terminar uma dúzia de pontos na casinha à direita :p Já estava à espera, por isso comecei pelas casas - motivo que me levou a esperar para encomendar a linha em falta do coelho fantasma no 'Snow Friends'. Hoje encomendo tudo o que está em falta ;)

Será que teremos uma 'happy dance' aqui na próxima semana??? :D
Está perto.. está perto...

My weekend was as colorful as my last post :D hehehe This sun is a load of energy and joy, at least for this girl here ;) I'm another person with the sun! I think the changes I made on my Travelling Pattern was a reflection of that. I was even happier with your feedback, so many nice words :D Thank you all!!

These 2 days were big and short at the same time, big because I did many things and short because I had many more I'd like to have done ;) But that's not just a weekend, that's the story of my life :D LOL Wait, nothing like one month ago when I forgot my lists and I got lost in time and space, not at all. I've caught up on everythings by now, I remain faithful to my organization and everything runs smoothly :) Just need to work on a few gifts to send, a few things that there was no opportunity to do earlier but very soon I will spread some smiles around the globe ;)

I haven't been stitching as much as I'd like so I was very surprised with the progress on my '6 Fat Men'!! I thought it would take longer to stitch this block but it's growing fast ... Maybe I won't say the same once I start all that white snow on the ground :p heheheh

You know that gymnastics we do, when we are running out of thread, we try to waste as little as possible from a little bit? Failed! I did not succeed, couldn't finish a dozen of stitches to complete the house on the right :p But it's ok, I was expecting that - the reason I waited to order the missing thread for the ghost bunny on 'Snow Friends' block. I will order all right away ;)

Will we have a 'happy dance' here next week?? :D
It's close... it's close...


  1. Está a ficar lindo!
    Esse bloco acaba por ser rápido.
    Boa semana!

  2. O tempo é sempre demasiado curto para tudo o que temos que fazer...

    Beijinhos e boa semana*

  3. Olha, o meu fim de semana foi quase isso. Queres saber? Trabalhei no sábado, mas mesmo assim, depois de sair (às 18.00h), ainda consegui sentir que era fim de semana? Fomos passear, num jardim, perto da praia (fluvial), e foi ótimo!!!
    Oh pá, não há nada que pague os dias grandes e cheios de sol!!! Eu sou um bocadinho como tu! :)

    Beijinhos e boa semana! :)
    A minha vai ser curtinha, ahahah!

  4. Love your snowmen, you are doing so well, hugs.

  5. aww it is looking so sweet x

  6. Spring has finally sprung, yes? It certainly does change my outlook.

    And floss always has a way of just being a yard or two short of what you need. And in my case, when I buy the next skein, they've changed the dye lot! Anyway, your snowman look wonderful and I won't tell them they are due to melt any minute!

  7. I am forever running out of thread, drives me a little wee bit crazy, as everytime I do I have to order in from the United States, is it the same with you? I am glad the sun is showing it's glorious face for you over there - hugs, Amanda

  8. Hi Nia,
    The 6 Fat Snow Men are looking wonderful! We are still getting snow here in the states so Spring hasn't quite arrived even those it was supposed to a month ago! :) You'll have to do the 6 Snow Belles next! lol.. fair is fair! Hope all is well! :)
    The Stitching Bear

  9. Spring is here mostly, but still cool. Some areas around the city had lots of snow this past weekend. Your 6 FatMen are coming along so nicely Nia. I just started Snow Friends after finishing off Snowed In. Happy stitching and I hope your thread is soon there. :)

  10. It is looking gorgeous Nia. Won't be long before you are doing a 'happy' dance.

  11. wow, this piece is almost finished..
    very well done sweetie, it's lovely
    the colours are so sweet
    did you see there are new LK charts ?? =D
    Small one, quick to stitch hehehehe
    enjoy the sun
    big hugs

  12. Ooooh Nia, great huge progress on your stithing!!! As you say, you're so close to finishing it... Keep stitching!!!
    While reading your post, I really felt you were full of energy & happyness!! This sun is really doing you good :D Nice to see you're keeping on track with everything. xxxx

  13. So glad you are getting some sunshine, Nia--finally!! I always imagined that Portugal would be sunny and warm all year for some reason :)

    Love your progress on the LK snowmen--sorry you ran out of thread! That is so frustrating, isn't it. But, I'm glad to hear your lists and organization have things running smoothly again!!

    Have a great week, my friend!

  14. So close sweetie! It is looking wonderful xxx

  15. Your snowmen are looking great!

  16. Looking so good.Please send some sun over to us please. :)

  17. Está quase quase quase !!!!
    Adoro cada vez mais os teus gordinhos brancos!!!
    E como era de esperar ficaram prontos num instante assim que dedicaste a eles.
    Ai que saudades de agarrar nas agulhas, mas tenho de me disciplinar, estou noutra fase agora...não posso distrair-me (tanto)...

  18. Your snowmen are looking fantastic!

  19. Loving your snowmen! :-)

  20. Olá Nia
    Está a ficar muito lindo , também gostaria de ter esses gráficos mas não estou a conseguir a ter . Quanto as linhas eu também estou a esperea da minha encomenda ,as está a demorar muito ao meu correio para continuar o meu bordado :) Beijinhos

  21. "Fat Men" looks brilliant :)
    How frustrating to run out of thread so close to the end.... Good to hear that the sun is finally shining over your way. I always feel so much better when winter is done and spring and summer are on the way :)
    Enjoy the weekend :) xx

  22. Your fatmen are coming along beautifully Nia!! I'm glad you found your lists and are now not lost! I should probably be more organized like you then I wouldn't feel so scattered LOL!! Oooh I strongly dislike running out of thread and really try to use every last bit with my petite needles!!


  23. Wonderfull update.
    I hate running out of threads
    good luck sweetie

  24. Nia mariaaaa....ainda te lembras de mim?? Meu deus!! Há quanto tempo n vinha aqui...que vergonha!! Continuo sem pc..achas normal?? faz 4 meses não tarda!! Ando louca! Já mudei de loja e o "imbrolhio" continua!!:(
    Perdi muitos posts teus mas vou actualizar-me rápido!! Mil dscpas!

    Continuo a adorar estes gordinhos...beijossss

  25. Oh no! I hate it when you run out of floss. I have used mine to the bitter ends at times. LOL! Yes, you will have a HD soon enough!


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