happy things! :)

Sexta-feira foi dia de volta ao activo, com o fim-de-semana logo a seguir, foi uma semana de trabalho curtinha ;) hehehehe O dia foi calmo, ainda mais com a chuva que não parou de cair, poucas pessoas saíram à rua hoje!
Alguém já mandava o Inverno embora :p

Mas a minha semana, além da constipação, teve também surpresas boas! Pacotinhos que foram chegando à minha caixa de correio =)

Um ginger, uma árvore de Natal, um pompom naquele gorro e polka-dots??? Só a Valérie para juntar tudo isto numa peça só :D ahahahha

E ainda uma festa de botões enviada pela Simone :D e da Carla um coração perfumado, com o meu nome, azul de um lado e rosa do outro ehehhe Não, ao lado não é um colar mas sim uma pulseira de duas volta que eu ainda não conhecia! Vou tirar foto quando estrear ;) Lol

Como ainda hoje disse à Carla, miminhos handmade que são feitos com todo o carinho das amigas e dedicados a quem recebe.. não há nada mais precioso! ♥ Obrigada a todas =)

Going back to active on a Friday, with the weekend so close, my work week was really short ;) hehehehe It was a slow day, with this rain that didn't stop pouring for a minute, very few people were outside on the street today!
Can someone ship Winter away, please? :p

My week was not just about a cold, there were happy things too! Some surprises arriving on my mailbox =)

One ginger, one Christmas tree, one pompom on the hat and polka-dots?? Only Valérie to gather it all in one single piece :D ahahahha
From Simone, a party of buttons :D And from Carla one scented heart, with my name, blue fabric on one side and pink on the other :) No, it's not a necklace on the last photo, it's a double bracelet - I just learned about that today hehehe I'll take a photo when I wear it for the first time ;) Lol

As I told Carla today, handmade gifts made with all the love and friendship, dedicated to those who receive them... there is nothing more precious! ♥ Thank you all my sweet friends =)


  1. Wonderful gifts to a wonderful person.
    We have rain now and still it feels cold . hugs.

  2. Aww beautiful gifts for my beautiful friend xxx

  3. Miminhos deliciosos, que belo "carteiro" que tens...hihihih

  4. tanta coisa linda… menina sortuda :) bom fim de semana!

  5. So clever the finish on the ornament!!! I love it!!!!

  6. Those cards are beautiful Nia!! Mine (which will be late :( ) is nothing like these but I think you'll like it anyways :D


  7. WOW Nia.. how beautifull all your gift!
    Very wonderfull..
    Valerie know what you like!!
    Enjoy all your gifts!!

  8. lindos presentes, Nia! :)
    beijinhos e bom domingo*

  9. Que fofuras!!!
    Tomara que já estejas 100%, amanhã é dia de trabalho, última semana antes do natal!! \o/

  10. Good to hear you are feeling better :)
    Gorgeous gifts your Postie delivered! Hope you had a good weekend & didn't over do it!
    Hugs xx

  11. Such lovely gifts! The button tree is so cute and Valérie's little stitches are always adorable!

  12. awwwww great gifts you received =)
    I love the first hehehehe =D
    I'm happy it arrived safe and that you love it
    I also received a card from Simone and they are so cute....
    the scented heart from Carla is so cute and so you =)
    Xmas is really arriving
    big hugs

  13. Carregados de carinho!!!
    Beijinho grande! :)

  14. Coisas tão fofas para uma pessoa impar!!


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