SAL °•● Halloween Rules
Terminei mais um bloquinho para o SAL com a Cathey! :D
Mesmo a tempo do fim do mês! Ufff :p

Sei que o Halloween está próximo mas o nosso SAL termina no fim do ano. Para quem não está a par desde o inicio, eu explico! No ano passado, fiz outro SAL com a Cathey, bordámos o Christmas Rules de Janeiro a Dezembro. Este ano combinámos de bordar no mesmo ritmo, um bloquinho por mês. Por isso que vamos terminar só no final do ano :)

Agora vou descansar as agulhas um bocadinho mas... Outubro já está a chegar, em breve aparece aqui mais um bloquinho ;)
Bom Domingo!! :)
I finished one more block for my SAL with Cathey! :D
Just in time for the end of the month! Phew :p
I know Halloween is coming soon but our SAL ends at the end of the year. For those who haven't been following since we started, I'll explain! Last year, I had another SAL with Cathey, we stitched Christmas Rules from January to December. This year, we agreed to do it again at the same rhythm, one block each month. So, we will finish when the year finishes too :)
I'm going to rest my needles for a bit but... October is coming up,
soon you'll see another block here ;)
Have a great Sunday! :)

Nossa Niazinha...só vc pra fazer esse quadro gigante!
Concordo com a Isa, só vc mesmo.... Tá ficando demais! =)
ReplyDeleteYayy!!! It's looking pretty amazing Nia!!
Hooray, it looks wonderful! :D So close to being finished and the actual holiday, weee~
ReplyDeleteSo sweet xxx
ReplyDeleteI love these "rules" patterns, think I might get the Christmas one soon :D Yours is looking great, I just LOVE the owls hehe
ReplyDeleteAnother gorgeous block. I love seeing your progress on this project.
ReplyDeleteIt's looking great!!
ReplyDeleteWOW.. You still keeping it up!!
Great work.. next year with Halloween your going to have so much joy of it!!
Está muito giro Nia :) Eu adoro estas regras eheheh :)
ReplyDeleteYou're almost done--each block is adorable, Nia :)
ReplyDeleteOh I love all the Lizzie Kate "Rules" charts! The Halloween piece will look lovely when finished! Will you do another next year?!
ReplyDeleteMaravilhoso, Nia! Mesmo sem ter terminado ainda, já dá para ter uma boa idéia de como ele ficará pronto!!!E haja bordado, hein? Parabéns pelo belíssimo trabalho!
ReplyDeleteBeijos e Boa Semana!
this is almost finished...
ReplyDeleteso great stitching !
I followed it since the beginning, but I really thought you wanted to finish it for Halloween !
Didn't understand everything !! =)
It's almost done, just 2 more months!! :D Looks great, Nia. I like the black and white effect. :D
Wow!! You're almost there! This is a great design. Can't wait to see it all finished in Dec :)
ReplyDeleteAcho mto giro este SAL...não só pelo desenho em si que é lindo com umas cores fantásticas, como pelo SAL em si..bordar um pouquinho todos os meses ao longo do ano..qq dia tb faço algo assim:)
ReplyDeleteEstá lindo!!