the loooong to-stitch list :p

Julgo que a maioria de nós deve cruzar-se com o mesmo dilema, a lista!
A longa lista de projectos que gostamos e queremos muito fazer.. logo que o tempo nos dê essa oportunidade :p Seja bordado, feltro, crochet, pintura, etc., vale para todas as áreas! Resolvi fazer uma 'repescagem' na minha lista hehehe Eliminar alguma coisa é quase uma missão impossível!!! LOL Então, seleccionei os próximos projectos, aquela meia dúzia que vou mesmo fazer agora e não 'qualquer dia' ;)

Durante alguns anos fui assinante da Cross Stitcher, até ao final de 2011 em que a revista já não me agradava como antigamente, não era mais aquela alegria de folhear cada página e querer fazer tudo!! :D Mas, nas edições antigas que tenho hoje em casa, são muitas as páginas marcadas com gráficos fofos que merecem muito a atenção das minhas agulhas :)

Passei algumas horas a folhear cada número, escolhi a minha página preferida e coloquei a revista no chão. Mais tarde, o Rui, ao passar pelo meu atelier, comentou que eu tinha arranjado uma nova cobertura para o chão.. já viram bem a dimensão da escolha, certo? hahahhaha Como não gosto de estar parada sem fazer nada, em vez de ficar a olhar para as ideias, peguei numa revista e deitei mãos à obra! :D Quando terminar este projecto, passo a outra revista e as páginas marcadas hão-de começar a diminuir ;)

Será que alguém vai conseguir adivinhar o que está a crescer aqui? Fica lançado o desafio :D Sei que ainda é cedo mas vou mostrando mais fotos do progresso no bordado e vamos ver se alguém acerta no que está neste gráfico hehhehe Querem uma pista? Verão! :D

I think most of us often face the same dilemma, the list!
The long list of projects that we like and we look forward to make... as soon as the time gives us the opportunity :p Stitching, felting, crocheting, painting, etc., applies to all craft areas! I decided to 'recap' my list hehehe Taking something out is almost an impossible mission! LOL So, I selected my next projects, the half dozen that I will do now and not 'some day' ;)

For a few years I was a subscriber for Cross Stitcher, until the end of 2011 when the magazine wasn't making me happy anymore, it was no longer that joy of flipping through each page and wanting to do everything! :D But in the old issues that I have at home today, there are many pages tagged, with cute graphics that deserve the attention of my needles :)

I spent hours looking through each number, chose my favorite page and put the magazine down on the floor. Later, Rui, passing by my craft room, commented that I had a new cover on the floor... you can imagine the dimension of my selection, right? hahahhaha Since I don't know how to stay still and do nothing, I didn't lose much more time thinking where to start, I picked up a magazine and got my hands working! :D When I finish this project, I will pick another issue and soon the pile of tagged pages will begin to shrink ;)

Will someone be able to guess what I'm stitching? Here's a challenge :D
I know it's early but I'll post more photos with my stitching progress and we'll see if someone can guess what's in this design hehhehe
Do you want a clue? Summer! :D


  1. Lovely stitching but not a clue what it is.
    You are right about the cross stitcher it's going down hill fast the last one there was not any thing I would stitch. hugs.

  2. Have no idea what it may be but already love the colors :)

  3. Hmmm...a deck chair on the beach? lol! I have no idea! But its lovely stitching and pretty colours!

    I was going to start buy Cross Stitcher but I have heard so many people say it is not the same anymore - think I will stick with WOXS :)

  4. Aww sweet stitching and yummy colors but not sure what it is??
    Big hugs xxx

  5. Looking forward to the progress on this piece - love the colors ;)

  6. Lovely colours! My guess is deck chairs or beach huts. Can't wait to see more. I too have finally given up the Cross Stitcher mag. I tried to enjoy the new style but when I went through my mags recently I realised that besides the Emily Peacock designs there was nothing I wanted to stitch. So sad - I have been buying that mag since issue 1 :0( I have files & boxes of things from mags that I want to stitch - one day!!!

  7. hmmm .... I am also not sure what you are stitching but I am going to guess there will be flowers? I have bought cross stitcher in the past but much prefer just cross stitch :) I also have many designs from magazines I want to stitch and I am stitching them - problem is there is too many designs I like and not enough stitching time to do them!

  8. There is always an abundance of crafty things to do and hard to make a choice sometimes. :) I'm not sure yet what you are stitching, but the colors do look nice and summery! :)

  9. hummm, is it a little house on the beach, or a'summer time' sampler ? =D
    haaa if now you make mystery things too ... =)
    anyway lovely colours and a nice WIP
    love the fabric you're using
    can't wait to see the progress =)
    happy stitching sweetie

  10. LOL! Been there, done that with the new floor cover situation ^.^ Pretty sure it's a sampler... which exact one I have no idea though. Love the pink and green combination.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I really have now idea!! :(
    I thought it was a lizzie kate.. but can't find one that looks like that..
    I love the colors.. it's so you..
    Looked on sampler on google, still can't find it./.. grrrrrr ;(
    you can fool us always.. lol

    stitch a bit faster so we can see something..

    I have a qeustion for you
    if you look at this bird
    So beautifull so perfect you do you stitches..
    I make a lot of felt letters.. but mine never look as pretty as that what you make..
    What is you secret???
    Wanne learn it also that beautifull... my back is always more beautifull then my front... hihihihi

  13. Hoje comecei a tentar escrever um post (coisa que não aconteceu..talvez lá para o fds!) e o titulo andava à volta do facto de querer fazer mta coisa ao mm tempo...e dps leio este teu post q tem um pouco a ver :)
    Tu aproveita mulher, para começares a diminuir essas páginas antes da pequena Nia ou do pequeno Rui aparecer!! :P

    Não consigo ver bem ainda o que será, mas hj a minha cabeça tb está um nó e a minha alergia nem me está a deixar ver bem:D Vou esperar pelas proximas fotos;)


  14. Não posso nem palpitar, afinal cheguei atrasada e comecei vendo o post com a foto do gráfico escolhido.... mas com certeza eu jamais adivinharia.

  15. Bem, eu ja sei o que é mas não teria adivinhado!!
    Mais um mistério resolvido!!


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