hello March!! :)

Janeiro pareceu ser um mês pequenino, passou tão rápido depois da euforia do Natal! Fevereiro é pequeno por natureza :p heheheh Mas Março... tenho um feeling que Março será um bom mês :) Espero que seja para todos!! :D

Por aqui ando inspirada com a Primavera, tenho na ideia de fazer algumas decorações para dar as boas-vindas à estação e também para a época de Páscoa. No ano passado não tive oportunidade de o fazer, vou-me dedicar a isso pois a minha casa precisa de umas coisinhas bonitas e coloridas :)

Como se aproximava um novo mês, não queria começar nada grande porque está na altura de acrescentar mais um bloquinho no Halloween Rules :)

Peguei numa ideia antiga de uma Cross Stitcher - já que actualmente não há gráficos que me agradem, há que voltar às edições antigas e pegar naquela lista grande para a qual faltava tempo de bordar tudo quanto eu gostava! ;)

Quero fazer algo deste género, como vem na revista, o ridículo é que nesta altura faltam-me os galhinhos... se me tivesse lembrado disso no Outono quando podei as photinias!!! Teria raminhos hoje! heeheheheh Bom, vamos aguardar para ver o que vou conseguir inventar :p Cenas dos próximos capítulos... LOL

January seemed to be such a short month, time went so fast after the euphoria of Christmas season! February is small by nature :p heheheh But March... I have a feeling that March will be a good month :) I hope it's for everyone! :D

I've been completely inspired by Spring, I want to make some decorations to welcome the season and also for Easter. Last year I didn't had the opportunity to do it so I'm willing to devote a good time to it now because my home needs a few pretty and colorful things around :)

A new month was coming, I didn't want to start anything big because it's time to add another block on Halloween Rules :)

I took an idea from ​an old Cross Stitcher issue - since currently there are no designs that pleases me, I must go back to the old editions and pick up on that big list to which there was not enough time to stitch everything I liked! ;)

I want to do something like the picture from the magazine, the ridiculous part is that I can't find any twigs now... if only I had remembered that in the Autumn when I pruned the photinias!!! I would have twigs today! heeheheheh Oh well, let's wait and see what I can come up with :p
Coming soon on the next episodes... LOL


  1. Feliz Março para ti!
    Beijinho :)

  2. Yes time is flying so darn fast..
    I tought I had enough time to craft for each month.. but no.. not..
    So March decoration will be used for Spring and Easter..
    I love your idea..
    I wanne try and make a easter tree with all selfmade crafts.. so need some idea's..
    I also have a lot of idea's.. now only need the time to make it.
    For years I get Easter branches from my best friend, last year I put one in the garden.. at the moment he is almost 4 meters high.. so I have some branches...lol...
    If you find some got idea's.. please share them...lol

  3. I am also stitching for easter and may be spring. Love the tree. I am planning on putting my stitching in a basket. Look forward to seeing your stitching.

  4. Aww the bunnies are darling! You always have the cutest projects and ideas!

  5. You're completely right ... we need to start thinking about our Easter decorations!
    If you need branches/twigs ... why not go to the local "container park" where they collect everything from greenery, electronical equipment, ...? I'm sure you'll find what you need over there.
    Or maybe buy a small tree (type "curly willow" that you can plant in your garden afterwards)?
    Hope to see a new picture of your Halloween rules soon!
    Kind greetings,

  6. I think we're all more than ready for some pretty spring stitching, Nia--can't wait to see what you come up with :) And "Happy March!"

  7. Tenho certeza de q vc inventará algo bem fofo, como de costume... *ansiosa pra ver*

  8. Too cute! I like the Easter tree idea :o)

    Yay, another month and another block to start! I hope this brings my mojo back...

  9. I know I know!!!! Get a hacksaw and take a walk!!! I'm sure you'll find some branches along the way. :D Can't wait to see your Easter tree.... it's going to be so cute! :D

  10. Dearest sweet nia, time sure flies! I can't believe it's march too and i hope it's gonna be a wonderful month for me and everyone. :) Looks of new things to look forward to and i can't wait. I too have a good feeling it's gonna be a good month. I love easter and i am looking forward to some of your easter and spring collection!! Have a lovely merry happy day sweet friend and lots of love to you!

  11. Love to send you some twigs but suspect customs won't let them in out or in!!! What a great idea to do an Easter tree, looking forward to seeing what you stitch ;0)

  12. Olá Nia!

    Nunca decorei nada para esta data, por isso estou super curiosa para ver o que vais fazer. Tenho a certeza que vais surpreender-me. :)

    Tambem tenho essa revista e acho os coelhitos super giros. Força nas agulhas rapariga! :)


  13. Um bom Março para ti também! Nem acredito que a primavera está quase aí, yuppi!! Bom fim de semana linda :)

  14. Olá Nia, o coelhinho ficou uma fofura e de certeza que no final vai ficar uma decoração maravilhosa.
    Beijinhos e bom fim de semana

  15. Feito pelas suas mãos de fada vai ficar tudo muito lindo!


  16. Hello

    I love your finish it's so sweet.

    Hope you find some suitable twigs to display him on!

  17. que ideia engraçada! Realmente só nas edições anteriores...começo a achar que os gajos fizeram de propósito, quando comecei a assinar a revista, deixaram de fazer cenas fixes:(
    Agora era altura de renovar e não o fiz:(

    Gostei mto do bordado...mto fofoo;)


  18. Oh, you hjave started spring stitching. When I see that my fingers start itching. It seems that spring is just around the corner now ...

  19. Hello! =)

    Esse coelho é muito engraçado! Esses gráficos da Páscoa também estão na minha lista ;)

    É verdade, gráficos giros na Cross Stitcher só em edições anteriores...

  20. Oooh! That bunny is too cute!! Love your spring tree! So bright and happy! I have a feeling this March will be a good one too :D


  21. oh thats so cute! cant wait to see your pics !! =D


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