photobooth w.i.p.
Passei a semana inteira a roer-me para não começar a minha nova Gorjuss :p mas fui firme e continuei com o Photoboth :) Não estou muito certa se utilizarei as cores originais para os cachecóis, fiquei na dúvida com o azul petróleo que bordei. Decidi então continuar com os bonequinhos de neve e os cachecóis decido em função da estampa do tecido que vou costurar. Como o tecido ainda vem a caminho, vou bordar o último boneco de neve e terminar os detalhes das carinhas e braços.. acho que no fim-de-semana ainda me sobra tempo para começar algo novo ;) hehhehe
I spent the whole week with my fingers itching to stitch my new Gorjuss girl :p but I was firm and I kept going with Photoboth :) I'm not sure if I'll pick the original colors for the scarves, I'm not quite happy with the shade of blue that I stitched. So, I decided to continue with the snowmen and for the scarves I will decide matching the fabric that I'll use to sew. Since the fabric is still on the way, this weekend I'm stitching the last snowman and also the faces and arms.. I think I'll still have time to start something new ;) hehhehe

Lovely progress on Photobooth. Look forward to seeing your new start. Have a lovely weekend.
ReplyDeleteWopw iu have been stitching a lot on Photobooth!!! great job... Soon very soon you can start on Ruby!!
ReplyDeleteDid you also had a sunny day, I worked in the garden, and did a bit of crochet.. When Kira is sleeping I'm going to stitch a bit of Pooh
Lookin' good Nia! It sure takes a lot to build all those snowmen ;o)
ReplyDeleteYou're getting there, Nia! It will be such a cute finish, won't it? Better to pick out the scarf now rather than later if the shade of blue is bothering you :)
ReplyDeleteSo much nicer to build snowmen in a nice warm home, even better that these guys won't melt!
ReplyDeleteBelo avanço!!!
mas continuo muito curiosa =)
Very cute! Hurry up and finish, I want you to start Gorjuss soon (just kidding! ;)
ReplyDeleteTá ficando lindo de viver! Tecidos, é?? Estou curiosa... :-D Bjs,bjs!
ReplyDeleteOias oias
ReplyDeleteQue avancito :)
Cá estarei para acompanhar o trabalhinho
Jokas gandis e bom fim-de-semana
You have made a very good progress!!
ReplyDeleteHappy weekend!
Oii Nia! Desculpa o sumiço, tenho andado ocupada. Mas, estão ficando liiindos seus bonequinhos de neve :D
Rafa H.
I can't wait to see this one finished !!
ReplyDeleteNossa!! que perseverança!! Não sei se teria conseguido resistir a tentação!!! Parabéns para o avanço! Ta a ficar lindooooo!