Cuco... estou aqui :D
Finalmente dou o ar da minha graça por aqui, não é verdade? ;)
Estava longe de imaginar que passaria um ano sem escrever nada neste meu blog tão querido!! É verdade, acabei de me dar conta, faz hoje um ano... Bom, não quero dizer que estou de volta porque nunca foi minha intenção ficar tanto tempo ausente. E muitas foram as vezes em que comecei a escrever e não consegui concluir os meus posts... =/
Aqui e ali, tenho mantido contacto com algumas amigas (email, viber, whatsapp...) mas também não tem sido tão frequente quanto eu gostaria... Resolução para o novo ano que aí vem? Com certeza que sim! ;) Nestas últimas semanas então...estou em falha com todas! Admito aqui e peço-vos desculpa por isso, foi mesmo impossível responder a emails ou sequer ter alguma disponibilidade para mandar mensagens curtas :( Para quem ainda não sabe, eu explico porquê: mudámos não só de casa mas de cidade :D Voltei à base, de regresso às origens hehehehe Estamos os três a viver em Lisboa :)
O motivo da mudança foi o mais óbvio de todos: trabalho! Foi uma opção que decidimos tomar e esperamos colher frutos nos próximos meses, está a correr tudo bem :) Só cá estamos há 15 dias, ainda nem recuperámos o cansaço de uma mudança de casa heheheeh mas agora já estamos instalados :)
Vou aproveitar o fim-de-semana para me actualizar pela blogosfera (saudades de todos vocês!!!!) e responder às mensagens pendentes. Logo-logo apareço aqui de novo para partilhar mais convosco ;)
Que seja um doce Dezembro para todos nós!!!! :D

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... I see you :D
And finally you see me too, right? ;)
I was far from imagining that a full year would pass without writing anything in my beloved blog!! True, just realizing that now, one year ago today... Well, I don't want to say I'm back because it was never my intention to be absent for so long. And many were the times when I started writing and couldn't finish my posts... =/
Here and there, I've been in touch with some friends (email, viber, whatsapp...) but not as often as I wished... resolution for the coming new year? For sure! ;) In recent weeks... my biggest fail! I admit here and I apologize to you all, it was impossible to answer emails or even just send a short text :( For those who don't know yet, I explain why: we moved, not only for another house but another city :D I'm back to the base, returning to my hometown hehehehe We are living in Lisbon :)
The reason for this change was the most obvious one: work! A chance we decided to take and hopefully reap rewards in the coming months - so far, so good :) We've been here for 15 days, not recovered yet from the tiredness of a house moving heheheeh but now we are home and well :)
I'll take this weekend to update my blog reading (Ohhh I miss you all!!!) and reply all pending messages. Very soon I'll be here sharing more with you ;)
A sweet December for all of us!!!! :D

How lovely to hear from you! But we want photos of the little boy!
ReplyDeleteI'm doing my Advent Calendar Blog Hop again if you want a quick way to see who is blogging right now!
que bom ver te de volta no blog!
ReplyDeletenaoo desapareças outra vez..beijinhos
Nice to see a post from you. Hope things go well for you and that everyone in the family is ok.
ReplyDeleteSo good to hear from you. Hope you are all well and that the move brings you much joy and happiness. When you get chance , drop me a line with your new address. I have already posted your Christmas card , but never mind . Take care xxx
ReplyDeleteGreat to see a post from you. Goodluck with everything, getting acquainted to the new place.
ReplyDeleteSo nice to hear from you again! Glad to hear everything is going so well xx
ReplyDeleteÉ bom poder ler-te outra vez e saber que estão bem.
Oh Nia! I am so very glad you are back!! What exciting times for you three!
ReplyDeleteNia! Que bom estares de volta! Como vai o teu Lourenço?? Beijinhos e boas festas :)
ReplyDeleteHelloooo sweet Nia!! Welcome back to blog-happy-land!! I missed you and missed connecting with you. I hope all is well and you are enjoying your sweet December! Lots of love to you!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! It is wonderful to a see post from you - we have so missed you!
ReplyDeleteWow, lots has happened.... moving house and city - that is a big move! Enjoy the unpacking! :o)
Hope to hear more soon... if not... all the best for the Christmas and New Year festivities ♥♥♥
Hugs xx
It's nice to see you back! Moving is exhausting, but exciting too. Wishing you well in your new home and city! :)
ReplyDeleteThank You for visitng my blog even though you have had so much going on in same time :) I hope you all the beast in your new home :)
ReplyDeleteQue bom ver seu blog com novidades tão boas! Tudo de bom prá você e sua família!
Welcome back, Nia--we have missed you, too!! I wish you every happiness in your new home. I know it will take a while to adjust, but it will soon feel like home. Did you know my niece is studying in Portugal this year? She will be there until June and is enjoying it very much...
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your Christmas with your little one--I'm sure he is very excited with the Christmas tree and lights :)
So nice to have you back, Nia :) I hope you have settled now. It is very difficult to change place with a baby. We shifted when my daughter was 1.5 years old. She had just started walking and wanted to do all the help. Somehow she got hold of some crockery and put in a carton, you know how that would end up in the box:)
ReplyDeleteLorenco is keeping you away from crafting/blogging but now that you have started slowly, he is the one who will inspire you for crafting too:)
Oh, then i guess the people who have moved into your place will get a little christmas package from me:-(
ReplyDeleteSeja bem vinda :D :D
ReplyDeleteE tudo de bom para esta nova mudança :)
ReplyDeleteE ainda bem que está tudo a correr bem!
Bem-vinda de volta! :)
ReplyDeleteSo nice to hear from you again, Nia. But I can easily - very easily - understand that you didn't have time for blogging, emails and such things. Moving house is always very strenuous and time consuming, and all that with a little one. But time for blogging and writing will come again. Just take your time.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to see live on you blog again.
ReplyDeletei missed you so much.
Soon I hope to see more of you here, and can't wait to see some crafts that you have been making, in the short moment you have been crafting.
And what a bout a little update how big little Lourenco is by know!!
Love to see some pic's of you new view from you house.
Ow I can ramble on and on. what I love to see,
You are always a inspiration for me .
Your blog is so awesome.
You made awesome crafts, your crafts skills are true the roof.
I can can tell it, as I have pieces from you here in my home.
I wanne wish you a wonderfull Time n Lisbon.
I still really hope some day to visit you there.
Huggs sweetie
Ooh nia! You and me both need to tend to our blogs but our boys comes first! So happy to see a post from you me dear!! Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteOh Nia, you have been missed! Welcome back. Some how my feed missed this post. Glad that all is well for you.