baby room + gifts :)

Tenho mais algumas fotos do quartinho do baby boy, presentes que já viram no post anterior. Estava à espera de um dia de sol para as fotos mas a Primavera não anda a colaborar =/ (É suposto o tempo melhorar amanhã.. será?)

A Annette fez esta peça em feltro, perfeita para o quartinho do meu pequerrucho =) Desde a palete de cores - cinza, azul, branco e amarelo - aos elementos escolhidos - Nuvens, estrelinhas, ursinhos e patinhos! Adoro!!
E onde foi esta peça colocada?

No topo do bercinho :) Digam lá se não se enquadra perfeitamente com a decoração e o ambiente do quartinho =)

Outra novidade do Lourenço é o seu baloiço :) onde relaxa quando tem dorzinhas de barriga e até adormece ao som das musiquinhas =) Obrigada pelas dicas que vão deixando nos vossos comentários, toda a informação é bem-vinda e muito útil para nós ;)

No post onde vos mostrei o quartinho, faltaram fotos das prateleiras, onde podem ver mais presentes...

... e também uma letra em madeira que a mamã decorou com lã :)

Mais fotos de presentes para breve!! :D

I have a few more pictures of my baby boy's room, gifts you've seen on my previous post. I was waiting for a sunny day to take pictures but Spring hasn't been our friend =/ (the weather is supposed to get better tomorrow.. will it?)

On the first image you can see a gift made by Annette, a perfect piece for my baby boy's room =) Starting with the palette of colors - gray, blue, white and yellow - to the chosen elements - clouds, stars, bears and ducks! Love it!

And where have we placed it? Right at the top of the crib :)
Now, tell me, doesn't it fit perfectly in the room =)

Something else new, Lourenço's swing :) where our baby can relax when his tummy hurts and he even falls asleep to the sound of the baby music =) Thanks for the tips and advices that you all leave us on your comments, all information is welcome and very helpful for us ;)

On the post where I first showed you our baby's room, there were no photos from the shelves, now you can see them with more gifts...
... and also a wooden letter that mommy covered with wool :)

More photos with gifts coming soon!! :D


  1. Ow My Gifts (nice OMG) are so beautiull on your boy's room!!!
    I love how his name is hanging above his bed, it looks really perfect there, and I'm so happy that totally matching with al your having in your room and what your like!!
    really perfect.
    The cute Elephants really like it too on that shelf.. really awesome!!
    I like how my sweet gifts found a special place in Lourenco's room.
    I'm so blushing and so happy sweetie!!
    I made them with so many love, and I see they have been received with so much love too.
    Sweetie you deserve it!!
    Have fun with all the gifts your got!!

  2. Your baby room looks is lovely hugs.

  3. Aww such sweet gifts :) and the room is looking so lovely too.
    Big hugs x

  4. Oh, Annette's felt name looks perfect in your baby's room, Nia--lovely how the colors look so nice with your decorating :) The little shelves are a great idea--you'll always be able to change the display and keep Lourenço interested!

  5. Tão fofo!!! Adoro as cores do quarto do bebé Lourenço, muito clean, mas ao mesmo tempo colorido :)
    Estamos todos à espera que a Primavera regresse, não é? Acho que esta semana vamos ter um tempinho melhor, com sol :)
    Beijinhos e boa semana!

  6. Está um quarto muito bonito e cheio de cores suaves. Adorei!!! =)

  7. So many cute things. I love the baby in the crib, Annette's banner and that cute bunny sitting on the shelf. What a nice place for a baby!

  8. What a beautiful room!

  9. beautiful gifts and room

  10. A bautiful peaceful baby room for Lourenco

  11. lovely, lovely, lovely :D
    This bedroom is such a cosy room
    Annette's gifts are really perfect !! and so beautiful ...
    I had the chance to see the WIP and was always amazed when receiving a picture !
    the choice of colours is so perfect !!! separated by so many kilometres and without seeing baby's room...I just can say WOW ! :D
    very beautiful place....
    biiiiig hugs

  12. Heavenly room for your baby!!!
    Hugs xxx

  13. What a beautiful job you two have done! Annette's gift is so very sweet!

  14. Está um mino o quarto do Lourenço, cheio de promenores deliciosos. A-DO-RO o nome em feltro, está lindo!

  15. O quartinho do Lourenço é mesmo um sonho.
    Muito bom gosto da mamã.
    Parabéns Nia:)

  16. Ow your baby boy room is so pretty.. I keep looking at your gifts!1
    Really awesome!!
    I'm so happy the gifts are all so beautifull in his room!!
    Really awesome!!
    have so much fun with it../
    great too see al the beautifull comments!!

  17. Looks like a perfect room for your baby boy!
    Everything looks really pretty!

  18. Lindos!!!!!!
    Soraya (

  19. O presente da Annette está simplesmente lindo:)) Adorei o nome assim em pecinhas de feltro..tomara saber fazer tb! tenho de aprender! Ficou mto fofo e encaixou-se perfeitamente no quarto do babe:)
    Está tudo lindo!! :)

  20. Não me canso de ver os pormenores deste quartinho super amoroso!!! ADORO!!!


  21. Lourenço's room is gorgeous! You have made a lovely, warm and relaxing space for him :o)
    I adore the treasures that are placed around the room, and Annette's "name" centre piece really does just finish the wall above the cot off perfectly!! :o)
    Simply amazzzzing darling! :o) (sorry can't quick mimic Craig from the UK's Strictly Dancing!)
    Big hugs xx

  22. Tá tudo tão lindo e combinando perfeitamente.... saudades desses tempos com meus filhotes, agora já são quase adolescentes!

  23. Such a cozy and peaceful room for the little man !!:)
    In India, infants and toddlers generally stay in parents room. When my daughter was born, it was all in a mess. I couldn't manage to arrange things in cupboards...but yes, the bed was always clean and tidy:)

  24. Nossa, que quartinho mais lindo!


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