there's always work in progress! :)
Eu bem queria postar no blog todos os dias mas, ou falta tempo, ou falta energia :p Estas últimas semanas são atarefadas com os últimos preparativos para a chegada do baby boy, além de consultas, há várias coisas a tratar e ainda roupinha para lavar/engomar! E não é preciso muito para descobrirmos ainda mais alguma coisa para se fazer ;) hehehe
Claro que os crafts também não param :D Um pedacinho do dia tem sempre de ser destinado a fazer mais alguma coisa que envolva fios e agulhas :) Tudo segue a um ritmo mais lento do que o habitual mas, um bocadinho hoje, outro bocadinho amanhã, as coisas vão crescendo ;)
Além de estar a treinar o contorno para a mantinha branca que fiz, comecei uma coroa para a porta da casa. Não é uma coroa de inverno, nem uma coroa de S.Valentim... são as boas-vindas para o baby boy :D Um momento que merece decor especial, não acham? :D

Como podem ver ainda está em desenvolvimento, terão de aguardar um bocadinho para ver a peça pronta. Uma vez terminada, ficará a aguardar a chegada do Lourenço e só nesse dia será colocada na porta =)
O que mais vou inventar? Bom, enquanto houver horas no dia, com certeza que as peças vão continuar a aparecer! Pois é, nem no finalzinho da gravidez eu aprendi a estar quieta :p LOL
I was willing to post here every day but, either it's lack of time or lack of energy :p These last few weeks have been quite busy with the final preparations for my baby's arrival. Besides doctor's appointments and things to take care, there's also some more clothes to wash/iron! And it doesn't take much to find out something else more to ;) hehehe
Of course, crafting never stops :D Part of my day must involve yarn and needles :) On a slower pace than usual, it's true! But, a little bit today, a little tomorrow, wips grow ;)
Besides practicing the edge for my baby blanket, I'm working on a wreath for our front door. Not a winter wreath, or V-Day... it's a wreath to welcome our baby boy :D The moment deserves a special decor, don't you agree? :D
As you can see on the picture above, it's still in progress, you have to wait for the coming posts to see the rest. Once it's finished, it will be waiting for the day to be placed on the door, when our baby arrives =)
What else am I making up? Well, while there are hours in the day, pieces will continue to appear! I guess I never learned how to stay still and do nothing, not even on my last days of pregancy :p LOL
It's normal that you don't have much energy of mood to craft a lot..
ReplyDeleteYour still working a lot, cooking, cleaning given Rui some cuddles..
You can';t do it all.
I think it's still pretty awesome that you craft so much!!
Your baby boy wreath looks awesome.. Can't wait to see the finish!!
Will be on his door after a while after birth??
Good luck sweetie!!
Yes, this last few weeks you will be very tired, Nia--just rest up while you can :) A wreath to welcome your sweet baby boy will be wonderful! Take good care now...
ReplyDeleteSlow down a bit young lady (now I sound like my mum!), take things easy while you can because soon everything will be different :) Saying that, I can't wait to see the finished wreath!!! Take care xxx
ReplyDeleteIts looking great so far! :)
ReplyDeleteAww, that is a wonderful idea, to have a sweet wreath up for your baby!
ReplyDeletegreat idea, don't know from where you took it =D
super idea in fact, can't wait to see how you will do this one
it's already gorgeous =)
must have taken so long to cover with the blue thread !
can't wait to see the bedroom too =D
Yes OK I'm too curious
take care sweetie
Oh my goodness, where do you get the energy from? I can't believe how close to D-day (or L-day) you are now.... What a lovely idea to create a special wreath to welcome your little man into your/his home :)
ReplyDeleteHugs xx
A great idea. Can't wait to see it finished.
ReplyDeleteTu não páras mesmo!!! Como é possível?!
ReplyDeleteEu na gravidez fiz tão pouco de crafts...
Olha, adorei a ideia da coroa de boas-vindas, é realmente especial!!! E aposto que vai ficar um docinho, das mais bonitas que já fizeste! Depois queremos ver!!!
Beijinho e continuação de uma santa gravidez! :)
Gostei tanto da ideia de fazer uma coroa para colocar na porta quando o Lourenço nascer! Mesmo boa ideia, mesmi especial!
ReplyDeleteTu e as tuas ideias ;)
ReplyDeleteBem pensado!!!
Beijinhos e bom fim de semana ;)
Lovely idea, sending hugs and xxx.
ReplyDeleteJá tinha saudadinhas de te ver por aqui!:D
ReplyDeleteQue bonita cor a da coroa do Lourença, imaginei logo, assim que a vi, que seria para dar as boas vindas ao novo membro da família!=D
Como sempre, deixas-nos curiosas!
Nia você não para mesmo!!! Saudades suas! Gostei muito dessa idéia! Beijinhos!!
ReplyDeleteI love the idea to create a welcome wreath for the baby when he comes home with you. Have fun making it.
ReplyDeleteAnd you think you are busy now....haha...wait till your baby is born!
ReplyDeleteHe will keep you busy even more;-)
Curious to see what you are making right now!
It's looking very beautiful!! :) good that you are active. I used to work until a day before due date and walked 1mile an evening before my daughter was born. The very thought of baby gives you energy which is driven from heart and mind. Even if body feels a little tired, doing something for that precious thing in our life drives us forward happily. I know you understand where and when to take rest and slowdown:)
ReplyDeletelol para quem anda me final de gravidez e com pouca energia (como é normal!) tu és quase um fenómeno da natureza LOL Tu não páras mulher! Isso é bom, mas vê se descansas tb ;)
ReplyDeleteA coroa para já está muito fofa....agora fiquei curiosa para ver o resto;)