In love with 'amour' :)
Como vocês já repararam, o Verão traz mais movimento por aqui, esta energia solar é potentissima! Hehehe os meus crafts andam divididos entre o ponto cruz e o crochet, um pouco de um, um pouco do outro e as peças vão crescendo :)
Quando aprendi a fazer crochet, comecei com agulhas acrílicas, além da vantagem do preço acessível, achava a maior graça às cores :) Cada tamanho tem a sua cor, fácil de identificar e quando estão juntas dá gosto olhar aquele arco-íris =) Mas para o amigurumi precisava de agulhas melhores e mais cómodas, optei pelas Clover Soft Touch, as minhas preferidas... até ontem :p
Na semana passada descobri outra gama da Clover, as agulhas de crochet Amour :)

Juntaram-me o melhor dos 2 mundos :D São ainda mais cómodas que as Soft Touch e com a festa de cores das agulhas acrílicas! :D Não sei há quanto tempo existem mas só encontrei online, não resisti em encomendar uma! Fiquei curiosa para experimentar e ver a diferença, se valia a pena a qualidade da agulha ou se eram apenas bonitas :p Ontem testei com vários tipos de fios e a única coisa má que posso dizer... É que não tenho os tamanhos todos!!! Hahahaha mais uma 'colecção' que terá de aumentar :D
Quem mais é que tem uma colecção de agulhas de crochet, de todos os tamanhos e feitios? Serei caso único? :p
As you may have noticed, Summer brings more action here, this solar energy is very powerful! Hehehe My crafts have been divided between cross stitch and crochet, a little of one, a bit of the other, pieces are growing :)
When I learned to crochet, I started with acrylic hooks, besides de advantage of the low price, I always loved the colors :) Each size of hook has its own color, easy to identify and a fun rainbow to look when all hooks are together =) But for amigurumi I needed better quality and more comfortable hooks, I chose Clover Soft Touch, my favorite kind.. until yesterday :p
Last week I discovered another range by Clover, the hooks Amour :)
They have joined the best of two worlds :D Even more comfortable than Soft Touch hooks and with the fun colors just like the acrylics! :D I have no idea since when these hooks have been for sale, I could only find them online. Had to buy one! I was curious to try and see the difference, whether it was worth the quality of the hook or if they were just pretty :p Yesterday I tested with different types of yarn and the only bad thing I can say is... I don't have all the sizes!! Hahahaha Another 'collection' that will have to grow :D
Who else has a collection of hooks, of all shapes and sizes?
Am I an isolated case? :p
Nossa, que agulhas mais fofas! Tua cara!
ReplyDeleteI have just ordered some of these crochet hooks at my local knitting shop - they are so pretty :)
ReplyDeleteAll my crochet hooks are old as the hills... some inherited from my Mom and maybe even from my grandmother. Never makes much difference to me which kind I use. Same with knitting needles. I'm easy!
ReplyDeleteBut yours are very pretty and if you find them more comfortable, all the better!
Hello Nia
ReplyDeleteThose are lovely hooks, think I could do with them too!
Happy hooking (:
I crochet ,too.And I love it,but I do not have a collection...:)
ReplyDeleteEu tenho as Clover Soft Touch todas e adoro, são as minhas preferidas mas confesso que fiquei de pulga atrás da orelhas ao ver essas todas coloridas
ReplyDeleteBoas criações :-)
Eu no crochet ainda sei mt pouco, nem sabia que havia agulhas mais ou menos comodas, nem de várias espécies:P
ReplyDeletemas tenho prevista uma aulinha, vamos ver para quando...melhor seria se a aulinha fosse das tuas, por ca, em terras algarvias!
PS: eu tb n me importava de ter a coleçao, amei so de as ver assim todas juntinhas, faz um arco iris que é um amour... =P
Pretty hooks!! :) I have all sizes of hooks from thinnest to thickest that is available in the market. I have only few with handles, the way I hold hook doesn't require handle ones. My wrist pains with thick hooks and hooks with handle.
ReplyDeleteWaiting to see your yarn collection grow;) I have mostly fingering weight yarn and a little bit of DK weight.
It is good to have variety of needlework interests...cross stitch is time consuming, sometimes, take months to complete a project.
I don't crochet but they look gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteI don't crochet because I have no idea how to, so would need to learn. Which would mean stopping cross stitch for a while... Nooooo!!
ReplyDeleteAlthough, I don't blame you, these little hooks look so pretty & colourful!!! I'm sure you're going to make some even more lovely items :D Is that possible?! :D Let's just wait & see!! xox
They are so pretty...
ReplyDeleteHappy hooking (:
são giras e muito, muito alegres!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful name for these hooks =D
ReplyDeleteThey are sweet, really, sure you're going to make amazing pieces with such tools =)
have a great weekend sweetie
Onde arranjaste?
Tenho das de metal e não são nada confortáveis...
Minhas pestanas colaram! Definitivamente dá até vontade de me dedicar mais ao crochet e aprimorar o pouco que sei! Bem que alguma americana podia fazer uma pedido do Atelier agora e pagar com agulhas amour! Eu fachava o pedido no instante do contato! lol
ReplyDeleteThose hooks above are Amour???
ReplyDeleteI started with aluminium hooks, still use then very often.. they are very cheap, and i can get them at many place.
But my hands hurt a lot if I crochet
Last year found out about the clover needles, bought a few sizes, and I'm liking them, but the hook is smaller.., but no pain in my hans
So I'm still looking to the perfect hook..
Love to see more about yours...
I'm doing a kinds of craft too..
at the moment working around the clock for gifts for my neighbor boy, who turns 3 and celebrate in Sunday, but all weekend Nightshift...
Started to late, but real b-day is tuesday.. so if I'm not on time.. lol
Have a great craft weekend sweetie...
Oh Nia, I do wish you lived next door to me so you could teach me how to crochet :-)
ReplyDeleteOh, look at those pretties! I have tried to crochet when my mum used to crochet in the 70's and 80's but I could never get the hang of it. I so admire you girls that make these gorgeous things with yarn and hook... I will keep admiring from afar :)
ReplyDeleteHave fun with those gorgeous hooks ;)
Hugs x
Thanks for the info. I will have to look for these, my MIL crochets.
ReplyDeleteEu e crochet n somos chegadas, mas tu fazes coisas lindas c ele:D
ReplyDeleteessas agulhas qse apetecem começar a aprender tb ahaha Lindas! adoro cores assim fortes :)
Queremos ver coisinhas saídas delas:D
Oooh, they look so pretty in all those wonderful colours! I've only recently learned how to crochet so I only have two hooks.....but I'm sure that will change soon!!!
ReplyDeleteUau! Nunca havia visto agulhas de crochê assim! São lindas, Nia!!!
ReplyDeletePronto agora tenho mesmo de me dedicar ao crochet, também quero ter um conjunto destes, é simplesmente lindo, hoje à noite já vou dar à agulha, hehe
ReplyDeleteLOL! Only you Nia would find crochet hooks fun and addictive ;o)