hermit Sunday
A pergunta era se no Domingo seria capaz de terminar um bloco completo do Halloween Rules. Nope... fiquei a distância de duas abóboras :p heheheh Como é apenas uma etapa do bordado tirei uma foto a preto e branco, prometo que a próxima será cheia de cor :)

Agora vou actualizar-me pelos vossos blogs, há muito para ler e
muitas fotos bonitas para apreciar :)
The question was if I would be able to finish another block on Halloween Rules in just one day. Nope... I missed it by the distance of two pumpkins :p heheheh It's a wip picture so I'm posting a black and white photo, I promise that the next will be in full color :)
Now I'm off to read your blogs, there's plenty to read and many beautiful pictures to appreciate :)
Ow Nia to bad you didn't finish it off this weekend.:P
ReplyDeleteBut it's looking great..
You will get it finished soon ;))))
enjoy your blog reading=))))))))
So close & yet so far! It is looking lovely so far, well done! I like the idea of the black & white photo for the WIP! Enjoy your blog reading - I am so far behind in my blog reading!!! ;0)
ReplyDeleteEu achei a foto preto e branco super gira! Bem "halloween"! lol Bjs, bjs!
ReplyDeleteDearest sweet Nia, your halloween rules is looking really good! I am feeling a little better and could come visit you on your lovely blog. I can't wait for this to be done. :) Have a beautiful week and love to you!
ReplyDeleteSo very near. Lovely progress. Have a great week.
ReplyDeleteAww... I wanna see it in colour. Colour makes me happy. I have no doubt it's pretty though. Look forward to your next post :)
Estava quase eheh
Oooh, gosto tanto :)
ReplyDeleteEstá a ficar mesmo bonito. Parabéns!!!
E já agora, os meus parabéns pelo blog :D
é mesmo fofinho!
Um Beijinho*
Hi Nia
ReplyDeleteYour Halloween Rules is looking great - love the black and white photo!
I'll bet you'll have this rule finished up in no time, Nia! Can't wait to see it in color :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a tease you are for posting in black and white. ;)
ReplyDeleteLook forward to seeing it finished in its colourful glory.
Hi Nia,
ReplyDeleteI haven't been around for a couple of days (thoroughly enjoying the IHSW weekend) so didn't read blogs for almost a week - or more!
And what do I see here ... lovely do-it-yourself ideas! Just great!
I also love your new block and am curious to see a colour piccie of it. Just for your information, Lizzy Kate announced a new mystery sampler which shall be along the lines of this one (including owls, fall leaves - everything Halloween themed) ... I'm tempted that's for sure! :-)
Have a nice day!
Olá Nia, até a preto e branco se nota que o bordado está a ficar lindo:)
Olha quando vi a foto gostei imenso de ver a preto e branco, fica giro!
ReplyDeleteObrigada pelo teu comentário sobre as Kumpel dolls, nem imaginas o quanto gostei :)
beijinho grande,
Olá Nia
ReplyDeleteMesmo em preto e branco está a ficar muito bonito:).Beijos
Estou certa de que logo teremos abóboras coloridas a encantar os olhinhos. Boa semana pra ti Nia!
ReplyDeleteMas você quase terminou!!! Já estou doida para ver com as cores todas!
ReplyDeleteSaudades de vc Pekena! To meio sumidinha mas já apareço!
ReplyDeleteBeijos mil! te dolo demais!
You are a fast stitcher, you'll finish it very soon. looks great!
ReplyDeleteCuriosa pra ver como vai ficar.... =)
ReplyDeleteThat's great progress on a wonderful piece of stitchery. Well done!
ReplyDeleteOh Nia, what is one pumpkin in a woman's life?:-) it sure looks like a wonderful stitching piece and I guess it has orange in it,right?
ReplyDeleteLol, I love Dulcinella's comment =)
ReplyDeleteIt looks great even in black and white, can't wait to see it in colour and all your other pictures =)
big hugs
Foste vencida por duas abóboras?! LOL
ReplyDeleteMaybe for the next IHSW you'll have more stitching time :)
ReplyDeleteI love it! Sorry you missed out on finishing it :)
ReplyDelete2 abóboras já n é nada mau:p isto os fins-de-semana são mto complicados..1000 coisas a fazer..ou seja, mais 1000 q as q já temos de fazer durante a semana lol
Oooooh, you got close, Nia. Grats on all the progress. I had to LOL when I saw you had posted a black and white photo!!
ReplyDeleteEm preto e branco da um ar mais.... spooky!! E aposto que foi essa a intenção lol
ReplyDeleteBom progresso.. Li uma frase ha dias que quero partilhar contigo.
O importante não é chegar ao topo da montanha mas apreciar a caminhada que nos leva até la.