it's not over yet!
Ainda não acabou a época, Domingo ainda temos Pascoela! ;) hehehe
Na verdade por aqui já nada se celebra, julgo que só nas pequenas cidades é que se mantêm as tradições mais antigas e a época de Páscoa se prolonga por mais uma semanita. Para nós... para o ano há mais! :D
E o vosso coelho de chocolate, era menino ou menina??? :p LOL
Se não sabem do que estou a falar, leiam o meu post anterior ;) hehehe
Obrigada pelas vossas doces mensagens para o fim-de-semana e por todas as palavras simpáticas sobre a minha árvore de Páscoa =) Sem dúvida que me diverti muito com as decorações este ano, sem nenhum motivo em especial, acho que é mesmo para onde a nossa disposição nos leva e pronto! Tudo é alegre e animado quando nos predispomos a isso ;)
Claro que no fim-de-semana inventei mais alguma coisa! :D hehehe

Um ovinho em amigurumi =)
E também comecei um dos bordadinhos da lista para este mês... querem fazer apostas a ver se acertam por qual comecei? :p LOL Conto no próximo post ;)
Boa semana para todos!! :D
In Portuguese, Easter is 'Páscoa' and Sunday after Easter is 'Pascoela', I'm sure there's an english word for this but I have no idea which is it! :p Feel free to let me know ;) So... the season is not over yet, we still have 'Pascoela'! :) hehehe
Actually we won't be celebrating anything here, I think only in small towns - where old traditions remain - the season continues for one more week. For us... there will be more next year! :D
What about your chocolate bunny, was it a boy or girl?? :p LOL
If you don't know what I'm talking about, read my previous post ;) hehehe
Thank you for all your sweet messages for the weekend and all the kind words about my Easter tree =) No doubt that I had loads of fun with the decorations this year, without any particular reason, it's just where our mood takes us and that's it! Everything is bright and cheerful when we predispose ourselves to it ;)
Of course I had to make up something else during the weekend! :D hehehe
One cute little amigurumi egg =) And I've also started one of my cross stitch goals for this month... want to make bets and guess which one? :p LOL
I will tell you in my next post ;) Have a great week!! :D
ReplyDeleteQue ovinho mais engraçado :P
Eu acho que começas-te pelo Bit of April?foi?:P
I don't think we have a special word in English for the Sunday after Easter, Nia (not that I've heard anyway)... It sounds like your Easter was delightful. No chocolate bunnies, but I got something even better--my mother came to visit :) I'm so happy!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove your cheerful egg--looking forward to seeing your cross stitch start next time!
Lindo seu mascote de ovinho, um charme!!!
ReplyDeleteAliás tudo q vc faz é lindo!!!
Pelo tempo que acompanho os seus trabalhos acredito q vai começar pelo Welcome Spring!
Hum.. Será que acertei?
Acho que vai começar por "Welcome Spring",
Aposto neste, vamos aguardar :)
Cute egg Nia , I bet your new cross stitch is just Gorjuss !
ReplyDeleteYour egg is very cute. Can't wait to see what you new start is.
ReplyDeleteLittle cutie egg just so sweet.
ReplyDeleteYour easter-tree really was amazing..those M.Sherry Bunnies are just adorable !!!
ReplyDeleteIn Finland we celebrate Easter
from the Good Friday to the Second Easter-day.
The hole week before the easter is special and its called the "The Silent Week" ...
I have eaten much cake and all kind of jelly beans etc. especial "The Chicks" .liitle marmaled coverd with dark chocolate are my favourites...
Lots of treats and stitching with friends has been funniest part of the season for me :) :) :)
Nia foi vc que fez o amigurim?? Ta muito fofo
ReplyDeleteObrigada pela visita e saiba que mesmo não vindo aqui desejo de coração tudo de bom e muitas coisas boas para vc.
Tu andas sempre a "inventar" coisas fofas! =)
ReplyDeleteComeçaste a bordar mais uma parte do teu halloween! Acertei?
Fui obrigada a rir quando vi este ovo fofinho!Acho que ele merece um lugar de destaque em algum canto onde você possa vê-lo o ano inteiro, pois não tem como não sorrir quando se olha pra ele, hehe!!
ReplyDeleteBeijos pra ti!!!!
Love your cute little egg. Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteSounds very close to the Russian name for Easter: Pascha! Which is this weekend! I love your little egg and I hope you had a wonderful EastER!!
In Italian, Easter is Pasqua and the Monday after is Pasquetta (similar to Portoguese!)
ReplyDeleteI really love your egg!!! It's so adorable!!!
happy crocheting!!
Apparently the Sunday after Easter is called Low Sunday. In our house it's called "Have you done your spellings, where's your school clothes, PE kit, lunchbox etc Sunday" because it's back to school the next day!
ReplyDeleteI have to try find everything from wherever we stashed it 2 weeks before. It will also be the day I prise the Large Boy out of his winter coat and discover his summer jacket doesn't fit anymore!
That is one cute egg! I'm looking forward to see your wonderful-as-always finish!
ReplyDeleteThat's a cute little egg, very funny. Now I'm curious to see what you started stitching, maybe Welcome Spring!? Would be appropriate ...
ReplyDeleteWe have Easter Monday in Australia but it's more the name for the public holiday than anything relating to the Easter period. I love your cute egg! Our bunny was a boy - a very nice Lindt bunny!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds great .. is teh name maybe..... vacation???
ReplyDeleteNia, what a cute easter egg... your crochet skills are so great..
How is it with your crochet more plans???
Your egg is adorable!!
Que fofura este ovinho, adorei, beijos Nia!!
ReplyDeleteAww the egg is so cute!
ReplyDeleteLove the tradition for one more Easter weekend! I'm just getting into Easter mood now as we're celebratig it this week, I'll be cathing the bus for home in an our to go and paint some eggs :D
In French Easter is Pâques (said Pack, I think it means food in its Latin origin but I'm not sure)
ReplyDeleteIt sounds close to Portuguese name, and it's for the Sunday only...
Cute yellow egg :)
big hugs
O teu ovo ficou com uma carinha mesmo "reguila"!
ReplyDeleteEstá muito bonito e já vi que o croché está a pegar por aí... lol!
beijinhos e boa semana!
Oin que fofura esse ovinho amareliiiiiiinho !!!
ReplyDeleteAmei !
Não sabia q vc tava fazendo amigurumi ^^
Nia sempre MIL E UMA utilidades rsrsrs